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How to Maintain a Clean Home with Kids: Summer Edition

Learn how to maintain a clean home with kids during the summer season with our expert tips and strategies

Maintaining a clean home with kids during the summer can seem like an insurmountable task. Between the sticky popsicles, muddy footprints, and constant activities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, with a strategic approach, you can keep your home tidy and enjoy a fun-filled summer with your children. In this guide, we'll share effective tips and tricks to help you maintain a clean home while still allowing your kids to enjoy their summer to the fullest.

1. Create a Cleaning Schedule

Consistent Routine

Establishing a consistent cleaning routine is crucial. Consistency helps manage daily messes and prevents them from piling into larger, more daunting tasks. A daily schedule with specific chores can make a big difference. For example, mornings can be reserved for tidying up the bedrooms and kitchen, while afternoons can be for vacuuming and laundry.

Involve the Kids

Involving your children in the cleaning process lightens your load and teaches them responsibility. Assign age-appropriate tasks such as picking up toys, dusting low surfaces, or helping to sort laundry. Make it fun by turning chores into games or setting timers to challenge them to beat the clock.

Weekly Deep Cleaning

While daily tidying is important, a weekly deep cleaning session is necessary to maintain a clean home. Choose a day of the week for this deeper clean and stick to it. Focus on areas that may not get daily attention, such as bathrooms, windows, and under furniture.

2. Organize and Declutter

Simplify Spaces

Keeping a home organized starts with decluttering. Simplify each room by reducing the number of items that can cause clutter. Store toys, books, and other items in labeled bins and baskets to keep them organized and out of sight when not in use.

Create Functional Spaces

Designate specific areas for activities like reading, crafting, and playing. This helps contain messes in particular areas, making it easier to clean up. For example, a crafting station with easy-to-clean surfaces and storage for supplies can help keep creative messes from spreading throughout the house.

Seasonal Decluttering

Summer is a great time for a thorough decluttering session. Go through your children’s wardrobes, toys, and books to remove items they’ve outgrown or no longer use. Donate or store these items to free up space and reduce clutter.

3. Efficient Cleaning Techniques

Quick Clean-Ups

Implement quick clean-up techniques to manage daily messes. Keep cleaning wipes and a small vacuum handy for swift action on spills and crumbs. Teach your children to clean up immediately after activities, such as wiping down the table after eating or picking up toys after playtime.

Smart Cleaning Products

Invest in smart cleaning products like robot vacuums or multi-surface cleaners. Robot vacuums can autonomously clean floors, reducing your workload. Multi-surface cleaners save time by allowing you to clean various surfaces with one product, from countertops to floors.

Laundry Management

Summer means more outdoor play and consequently more laundry. Establish a laundry routine to keep on top of the constant influx of dirty clothes. Encourage your children to place their dirty clothes in hampers and teach older kids to help with folding and putting away clean clothes.

4. Outdoor Cleanliness

Outdoor Play Areas

Designate specific areas outside for messy activities. Set up a sandbox, water table, or mud kitchen in a part of the yard that’s easy to clean. This helps keep the majority of the mess outside and reduces the dirt and grime tracked into the house.

Outdoor Cleaning Station

Create an outdoor cleaning station where kids can rinse off before coming inside. A garden hose or a small basin with water can be effective for washing off muddy feet, hands, and toys. Keeping a towel and a change of clothes near the door can also minimize the mess brought into the house.

Regular Outdoor Maintenance

Keep outdoor spaces tidy by performing regular maintenance. Sweep porches, clean outdoor furniture, and organize toys at least once a week. This prevents dirt and debris from being tracked inside and maintains a pleasant outdoor environment for your family.

5. Healthy Habits and Hygiene

Handwashing Routine

Establish a strict handwashing routine to reduce the spread of dirt and germs. Encourage handwashing before and after meals, after outdoor play, and after using the bathroom. Place hand sanitizers in easily accessible locations for quick sanitizing.

Personal Responsibility

Teach your children personal responsibility for their messes. Encourage them to clean up after themselves and to take pride in maintaining a clean environment. Positive reinforcement and rewards can motivate younger children to adopt these habits.

Regular Hygiene Practices

Maintain regular hygiene practices such as bathing, brushing teeth, and nail trimming. These habits help keep your children clean and reduce the dirt and grime they bring into the home.

6. Managing Indoor Air Quality


Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy home. Open windows to let in fresh air and use exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to remove moisture and odors. This helps prevent the build-up of dust and allergens.

Air Purifiers

Consider using air purifiers, especially in bedrooms and living areas, to remove dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. This can significantly improve indoor air quality and reduce the amount of dust that settles on surfaces.


Incorporate houseplants that help purify the air. Plants like aloe vera, spider plants, and peace lilies can improve air quality by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen. They also add a touch of nature to your home, making it more pleasant and inviting.


Maintaining a clean home with kids during the summer is entirely achievable with the right strategies. By establishing a consistent cleaning routine, organizing and decluttering spaces, employing efficient cleaning techniques, and encouraging healthy habits, you can enjoy a tidy and harmonious home. Remember, the goal is to create a balance where your home remains clean while your kids have the freedom to enjoy their summer adventures. With these tips, you can achieve a clean, organized, and joyful living space for your family.


1. How can I involve my kids in the cleaning process?

Assign age-appropriate tasks such as picking up toys, dusting, and sorting laundry. Make it fun by turning chores into games or setting timers for challenges.

2. What are some quick clean-up techniques for daily messes?

Keep cleaning wipes and a small vacuum handy for swift action on spills and crumbs. Encourage immediate clean-up after activities.

3. How do I manage laundry during the summer?

Establish a routine for washing, drying, folding, and putting away clothes. Teach kids to place dirty clothes in hampers and help with folding.

4. How can I reduce the dirt and grime brought inside from outdoor play?

Create an outdoor cleaning station with a garden hose or basin for rinsing off. Keep a towel and a change of clothes near the door.

5. What are some effective ways to improve indoor air quality?

Ensure proper ventilation by opening windows and using exhaust fans. Use air purifiers and incorporate houseplants to clean the air.

6. How can I maintain regular hygiene practices for my kids?

Establish routines for handwashing, bathing, brushing teeth, and nail trimming. Encourage personal responsibility for cleanliness.

7. What should be included in a weekly deep cleaning session?

Focus on areas that may not get daily attention, such as bathrooms, windows, and under furniture. Stick to a consistent day each week for deep cleaning.

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