Clean your coffee grinder

Clean your coffee grinder

Clean your coffee grinder. Deodorize the coffee grinder by grinding uncooked white rice in it. This will take out the old smells and any other smells that may have crept into the grinder. If you own a coffee or spice grinder, then you already know that flavorful smells linger in the small holes and corners of the grinder. Well, if youre like most people, you probably just dump your grounds straight into your coffee pot and dont give it a second thought. If youve never heard of or tried cleaning your coffee grinder this way before, clear off sometime before you start brewing your next pot. The rice might stick to the sides pretty easily while its doing its thing, so pay attention while your machine is on and go back in there with a few paper towels when its finished to wipe down any rice that didnt get sucked up right away. And more, did you know that to thoroughly clean a coffee grinder you only need to run it empty for 10 to 12 seconds? However, if cleaning your coffee grinder seems like an overwhelming task, then there are other options such as using baking soda and vinegar. Here`s a small tip. Involves a little work, but well worth it, I think. We have a coffee grinder that we use for spices and coffee beans, to make fresh ground coffee.

Every once in a while we grind up some beans to make a pot of coffee, then don`t grind any beans for a few weeks. Again, if you love coffee as much as I do you will probably already own a grinder. A common issue faced by coffee lovers is the odor that builds up over time which can be very unpleasant and worse your roasts will go stale much faster. Cleaning coffee grinders seems like it should be an easy thing to do but the fine mesh often makes it hard to clean properly and thoroughly, and there is always a chance for something to go wrong and damage the machine itself. Here`s a quick and easy method of cleaning your coffee grinder that only takes a few minutes. The method uses uncooked white rice which has been proven to be an effective odor absorber for removing unwanted odors from food containers.

As a coffee lover, you likely know that a clean coffee grinder is essential for ensuring the best flavor and aroma in your daily cup. But did you know that cleaning your grinder regularly can also help prevent bacterial growth and extend the life of your grinder? In this article, we'll show you how to properly clean your coffee grinder and provide you with some helpful tips for maintaining its cleanliness.

Why Clean Your Coffee Grinder?

Cleaning your coffee grinder is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps to prevent bacterial growth. Coffee grinders can harbor bacteria, mold, and yeast, which can multiply quickly in the moist environment created by ground coffee. If you don't clean your grinder regularly, these microorganisms can spread to your coffee beans and affect the taste and aroma of your brew. Secondly, cleaning your grinder helps to maintain its performance. When your grinder is clogged with old coffee grounds and residue, it can't grind new beans efficiently. This can result in uneven grinds, which can affect the flavor and quality of your coffee. Finally, cleaning your grinder can extend its lifespan. By regularly removing old coffee grounds and residue, you can prevent the buildup of particles that can wear down the grinder's moving parts. This can help to prolong the life of your grinder and ensure that it continues to perform at its best.

How to Clean Your Coffee Grinder

Cleaning your coffee grinder is relatively straightforward, and there are several methods you can use depending on the type of grinder you have. Here are some step-by-step instructions for cleaning a blade grinder, a burr grinder, and a hand grinder.

Blade Grinder

  1. Unplug your blade grinder and remove any coffee beans or grounds from the grinding chamber.

  2. Use a soft brush or a clean cloth to wipe down the exterior of the grinder, paying special attention to any areas with visible stains or residue.

  3. Use a cleaning brush or a small scrub brush to clean the blades. Make sure to scrub in all directions to remove any coffee oils or residue.

  4. Rinse the blades with warm water and dry them thoroughly with a clean towel.

  5. Reassemble the grinder and run it for a few seconds to ensure that all of the parts are properly aligned and clean.

Burr Grinder

  1. Unplug your burr grinder and remove any coffee beans or grounds from the grinding chamber.

  2. Use a soft brush or a clean cloth to wipe down the exterior of the grinder, paying special attention to any areas with visible stains or residue.

  3. Use a cleaning brush or a small scrub brush to clean the burrs. Make sure to scrub in all directions to remove any coffee oils or residue.

  4. Rinse the burrs with warm water and dry them thoroughly with a clean towel.

  5. Reassemble the grinder and run it for a few seconds to ensure that all of the parts are properly aligned and clean.

Hand Grinder

  1. Remove any coffee beans or grounds from the grinding chamber of your hand grinder.

  2. Use a soft brush or a clean cloth to wipe down the exterior of the grinder, paying special attention to any areas with visible stains or residue.

  3. Use a cleaning brush or a small scrub brush to clean the grinding mechanism. Make sure to scrub in all directions to remove any coffee oils or residue.

  4. Rinse the grinding mechanism with warm water and dry it thoroughly with a clean towel.

  5. Reassemble the grinder and run it for a few seconds to ensure that all of the parts are properly aligned and clean.

Tips for Maintaining Your Coffee Grinder

In addition to cleaning your coffee grinder regularly, there are several other ways you can maintain its cleanliness and extend its lifespan. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Store your grinder in a cool, dry place. This will help to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

  2. Use a grinder with a removable grinding chamber. This makes cleaning much easier and more thorough.

  3. Grind only the amount of coffee you need for each use. This will help to prevent old coffee grounds from building up in the grinder.

  4. Run a small amount of rice through your grinder periodically. This will help to remove any residual coffee oils and keep the grinder clean and free of odors.

  5. Consider using a grinder with a built-in cleaning function. Some grinders have a setting that allows you to run a cleaning cycle, which can help to remove any residue and keep the grinder clean.


Cleaning your coffee grinder is an essential part of maintaining its performance and ensuring the best flavor and aroma in your coffee. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can keep your grinder clean and free of bacteria, mold, and yeast. Remember to store your grinder in a cool, dry place, use a grinder with a removable grinding chamber, grind only the amount of coffee you need, run a small amount of rice through your grinder periodically, and consider using a grinder with a built-in cleaning function. With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to enjoy the perfect cup of coffee every time.


  1. How often should I clean my coffee grinder?
    It's a good idea to clean your coffee grinder after every use, but if that's not possible, aim to clean it at least once a week.

  2. Can I use a dishwasher to clean my coffee grinder?
    No, it's not recommended to use a dishwasher to clean your coffee grinder. The high heat and harsh detergents can damage the grinder's moving parts and affect its performance.

  3. Can I use a bleach solution to clean my coffee grinder?
    No, it's not recommended to use a bleach solution to clean your coffee grinder. Bleach can damage the grinder's materials and affect its performance.

  4. How do I descale my coffee grinder?
    To descale your coffee grinder, use a descaling solution and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

  5. Can I clean my coffee grinder with a brush?
    Yes, you can use a soft brush to clean the exterior of your coffee grinder. However, for cleaning the grinding mechanism, it's best to use a cleaning brush or a small scrub brush to ensure that all areas are properly cleaned.