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Do what you feel in your heart to be right for you will be criticized anyway

Do what you feel in your heart to be right for you will be criticized anyway

Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. – Lisa Lieberman-Wang. I don't think there are many hours throughout your work week that you don't have something to criticize about your job. We all agree that this would probably be the worst moment, but what is the next worst thing? That one is people criticizing you for doing what you feel in your heart to be right. It does not matter who they are. It could be a boss, a friend, or even a family member. They can say whatever they want about what you do, and it always seems like their opinion counts most over yours. Now for all of you still in your dreamy moment, stop right there. Go ahead and finish your venti caramel latte while reading the remainder of this article. If you are ready to shatter the fantasy world you have created for yourself, or ready to face some frightening realizations or conclusions-keep reading. I have some things I'd like to share with you.

I am not encouraging you to do crazy things, but if you have a friend or family member that needs a shoulder to lean on or a food basket, don't listen to the people who say it is going to be a waste of money. Do what you feel in your heart to be right. Show love to those around you! Think about it, would you want to work with people who constantly point out your mistakes? Of course not! You'd probably think they were quite rude. We all make mistakes, but what matters the most is how we respond to them. That learning experience is vital if you want to grow as a person. Most importantly, this concept can be applied to our professional lives. Sometimes things happen that are beyond your control, but your reaction to them is completely in your control. It is so easy to criticize someone who is doing something different. They are often ridiculed for it because they are deviating from the norm. While I couldn't find an exact definition, I generally define criticism as words that are used to scold or correct. A lot of times, people are being criticized because they are doing something different.

Some people think they should be scolded or corrected for deviating from the norm. In life, we're criticized for a lot. So much that we want to run from it. They say that the bigger you become in life, the more you'll be criticized for what you stand for. But why should we let them take away our passion? Why should we give up only because they have a negative opinion of us? This shouldn't be news to anyone. For the most part, people are going to have something to say about your work no matter what you do. Do you think every paper has its complement of those who agreed and those who disagreed? If so, then when it comes to the work you do, who are you trying so hard for? To satisfy everyone? It does not happen. People taking the time out of their day to criticize you will always exist. The sooner you realize that the better off your career will be.