I always wanted to be somebody and now I realize I should have been more specific

I always wanted to be somebody and now I realize I should have been more specific

Have you ever found yourself striving to become someone important, someone successful, someone that people look up to? Maybe you've spent years working towards a certain goal, only to realize that it's not what you truly wanted. If so, you're not alone. In fact, this is a common phenomenon that many people experience at some point in their lives. The title of this blog post, "I always wanted to be somebody and now I realize I should have been more specific," highlights the irony of this situation. We spend our whole lives trying to become someone, only to realize that we should have been more specific about who we wanted to be.

The Problem with Being Vague

The problem with wanting to be someone is that it's a vague goal. It's a moving target that can never truly be achieved because it's not specific enough. When we say we want to be someone, we're not really sure who that someone is or what they do. We may have a general idea, but it's not concrete enough to be actionable. As a result, we end up chasing after things that we think will make us someone important, without really knowing what we want. We may pursue a certain career, accumulate wealth, or seek out recognition, but these things don't necessarily bring us the fulfillment we're looking for.

The Importance of Being Specific

The key to avoiding this trap is to be specific about who we want to be. Instead of just saying we want to be someone, we need to identify the specific qualities, skills, and characteristics that we want to embody. For example, instead of saying "I want to be a successful business owner," we could say "I want to be a successful entrepreneur who creates innovative products that improve people's lives." This specific goal gives us a clear direction and focus and helps us avoid getting sidetracked by things that don't truly matter to us.

The Benefits of Being Specific

Being specific about who we want to be has several benefits. First, it helps us to stay focused and motivated, because we know exactly what we're working towards. Second, it helps us to avoid comparing ourselves to others, because we're not trying to be someone else's idea of success. Third, it allows us to create a roadmap for our lives, with specific steps and milestones that we can use to track our progress.


In conclusion, the irony of wanting to be someone is that it's a vague goal that can never truly be achieved. Instead, we need to be specific about who we want to be and what we want to achieve. By doing so, we can create a clear direction and focus for our lives, stay motivated and focused, avoid comparing ourselves to others, and create a roadmap for our personal and professional growth. So, take a moment to reflect on your own goals and aspirations. Are you specific about who you want to be and what you want to achieve? If not, it's time to start thinking about what truly matters to you, and how you can create a more specific vision for your life.