The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention

The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention

Have you ever found yourself saying, "I'll get to it eventually"? Or perhaps you've told yourself, "I'll do it tomorrow"? If so, you're not alone. Many of us tend to put off until tomorrow what we could do today. But the truth is, the greatest intentions mean nothing without action. In this article, we'll explore the power of taking small steps toward our goals and how it can lead to greater success and fulfillment in life.

The Problem with Good Intentions

Good intentions are a bit like New Year's resolutions - they're easy to make but hard to keep. We often start with the best of intentions, but life gets in the way, and before we know it, our goals have fallen by the wayside. The problem with good intentions is that they're not enough. Simply intending to do something doesn't make it happen.

The Power of Small Actions

On the other hand, small actions can add up to make a big difference. Think about it - if you save just $10 a week, that's $520 a year. Not a lot, but it's a start. If you exercise for just 10 minutes a day, that's 70 minutes a week, 280 minutes a month, and 3,650 minutes a year. That's a lot of progress! The key is to start small and build from there.

The Compound Effect

The power of small actions lies in the compound effect. The compound effect is the idea that small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time. It's like a snowball rolling down a hill - it starts small, but as it gains momentum, it grows bigger and bigger. The same principle applies to our actions. If we take small steps toward our goals every day, we'll be amazed at how far we can go.

The Benefits of Taking Action

Taking action has many benefits. For one, it helps us build confidence. When we take action, we prove to ourselves that we're capable of achieving our goals. It also helps us develop a growth mindset - we start to see that we're not limited by our current circumstances, but that we can grow and develop through effort and learning. Taking action also helps us overcome procrastination. When we put off until tomorrow what we could do today, we're not just delaying our progress - we're also building a habit of procrastination. But when we take action, we break that habit and develop a habit of taking action.

The Power of Momentum

Once we start taking action, we can harness the power of momentum. Momentum is the idea that our actions can create a snowball effect, where one action leads to another, and another, and another. When we take action, we start to build momentum, and it becomes easier and easier to keep going.

The Key to Success: Consistency

The key to success is consistency. It's not enough to take action once and then stop. We need to keep taking action, day after day, week after week, month after month. When we're consistent, we build habits that help us achieve our goals.

The Power of Small Wins

Another benefit of taking action is the power of small wins. When we achieve small wins, we build confidence and momentum. We start to see that we're making progress towards our goals, and that motivates us to keep going.

The Power of Community

Finally, the power of community can help us achieve our goals. When we surround ourselves with people who support and encourage us, we're more likely to stay motivated and take action. We can also learn from others and gain new ideas and perspectives that help us achieve our goals.


In conclusion, the smallest deed is better than the greatest intention. Taking action, no matter how small is the key to achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life. By harnessing the power of small actions, the compound effect, momentum, consistency, small wins, and community, we can make progress toward our goals and achieve great things. So, don't wait any longer - take action today and start building the life you want.


  1. What is the power of small actions?
    The power of small actions lies in the compound effect, where small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time.

  2. What is the key to success?
    The key to success is consistency. It's not enough to take action once and then stop - we need to keep taking action, day after day, week after week, month after month.

  3. What is the power of momentum?
    The power of momentum is the idea that our actions can create a snowball effect, where one action leads to another, and another, and another. When we take action, we start to build momentum, and it becomes easier and easier to keep going.

  4. How can the power of community help us achieve our goals?
    The power of community can help us achieve our goals by providing support, encouragement, and new ideas and perspectives that help us stay motivated and take action.

  5. What is the difference between good intentions and taking action?
    Good intentions are thoughts or plans to do something while taking action is doing it. Good intentions are not enough - we need to take action to achieve our goals.