Clean furniture with a used dryer sheet

Clean furniture with a used dryer sheet

Clean furniture with a used dryer sheet. Do you clean your furniture with used dryer sheets, as many people do? Those used dryer sheets can make your furniture spotless and help it smell great. Clean furniture with used dryer sheets? That's right. The kind of fabric softener sheets that you throw into the dryer with your dirty clothes can help you clean your furniture. It may sound crazy, but this is an easy household hack that will save you time and money. Many of us have dead skin particles, dust, nastiness, and who knows what all floating around on our furniture. I clean with vinegar but never have thought to use the used dryer sheet to grab onto the dust. Laundry, dull furniture, and even dull hair can be improved with a simple product we all know and love.

We keep dryer sheets on hand to use as deodorizers, but did you know that there are other ways to use them at home? You can freshen your clothes, and furniture and even remove some stains! Who doesn't like the smell of dryer sheets? Most people think that once they are used, you can just toss them away. Well actually, there are several uses for dryer sheets each week! And they are not just limited to laundry rooms. I clean furniture with a used dryer sheet! It's one of my favorite tips for cleaning.

Sure, you can use paper towels, microfiber cloths, or rags, but personally, I like using a used dryer sheet. You can save the used dryer sheet and grab another one when you're finished. Hint: don't save it for too long, as they tend to get stinky pretty quickly if you hang on to them for months on end. I've found that if you clean up your furniture or anything that collects dust just by using a used dryer sheet, it will greatly improve the look of your pieces. While this may seem counterintuitive, it is definitely true. If you have dirty furniture you can clean them with a dryer sheet. I've tried this myself and seen the difference. The next time you are feeling lazy, take the time to run the piece through the cleaning cycle with a used dryer sheet so your house can shine. Once more, If youre looking for a quick way to clean your wooden furniture, try using a used dryer sheet. Its easy to make your own homemade cleaning product because dryer sheets are inexpensive, but work really well. Try this alternative for extra sparkle.