Clean glass and windows with newspaper

Clean glass and windows with newspaper

Clean glass and windows with newspaper

Clean glass and windows with newspaper. Ready to clean glass and windows? Is this really possible with the newspaper? Can it be fast, effective, and inexpensive? If you're like me, you may not want to hear that I'm about to share how to do exactly that, but if your windows are looking a little grimy these days then I would encourage you to read on. Ever heard of clean windows and sparkling glass before? No, not the Disney characters and their house in the movies. Clean windows and glass with newspaper! Seriously! It's a no-brainer that sounds too good to be true but try this cleaner at your home and see it for yourself. I'm sure you know that you can use a newspaper to clean glass and windows, but did you also know that you can also use it to clean computer screens? Just when you thought newspapers were being phased out, think again.

To clean windows and glass, just stick a sheet of newspaper to your dirty window using a rubber band. Then grab a spray bottle filled with tap water and spray the newspaper until it is wet. After a few minutes wipe away the newspaper and your windows will be clean! Yes, Windows and glass can be cleaned using newspaper. The abrasive fibers in the paper when crumpled up will wipe away the dirt from delicate surfaces with ease. The lines printed on newspapers contain ink which when rubbed into a fine film, allows for a gentler clean compared to a harsher lint cloth. A clean house is a sign of success. This doesn't seem like an exaggeration as everyone works hard to be able to own a well-kept house so as to feel proud. But success does not always mean working hard all day long. It can also mean finding smart and easy ways to complete your chores and achieve your goals for cleaning faster and more efficiently.