Every now and then I like to do as I am told just to confuse people

Every now and then I like to do as I am told just to confuse people

Every now and then I like to do as I'm told, just to confuse people. – Tamora Pierce. Why do I like to do as I'm told? Well, I thought this was obvious. I can get things done! My ability to follow instructions was forged in the fires of academia. While most students griped and groaned at writing papers or making posters, I found it quite easy because I had to do what the teacher told me to. This let me get on with my life outside of school, which is how I built up all of my knowledge that someday would become this blog. You see, I was not quite normal. I didn't do what my parents told me, or listen to much of what other kids said. Quite truthfully I was an outcast for much of my childhood. As long as you gave me precise instructions and even sometimes when you didn't! I would do anything you asked me to.

Sometimes, I think of my blog the same way. When a new blog post topic comes to mind, my first thought is, `This is going to be a pain in the neck.` And it is. I have to find a good hook for my post topic. It scares me because you know what they say about assumptions. A great blog post doesn't always result from a subjectively great idea. I mean it's not like every time I thought `whelp this will be easy` it turned out on the positive side. Sometimes I get it all wrong and still somehow end up with a good post. It's a magic spell if I can ever figure out how to make writing an article. My pleasure is instructing or helping others solve problems and discover things about the world. These skills work well when you're leading a consulting organization.

The exercise of creating a solution for somebody who has problems is fairly routine and stable enough that my ability to follow instructions works well. But sometimes, I don't follow instructions. What if the instructions are for something silly? Or even something bad in the long run? Here are some of my funniest unfinished homework assignments with explanations for why I didn't finish them. That's not to say I always wanted to do these things. I didn't. Sometimes what the teacher told me was stupid, or impossible. For example, my college-level physics teacher once sent us an email with a homework assignment that required us to figure out what the meaning of life was. He gave us two weeks to do it! That pretty much guaranteed that no one would succeed.

In life, we all have our ways of doing things. Some people like to follow the rules, while others prefer to do things their way. But what happens when we decide to do as we are told, just to confuse people? In this article, we will explore the concept of following instructions and how it can sometimes be beneficial to go against the grain.

The Benefits of Following Instructions

Following instructions can be beneficial in many ways. For one, it helps us to learn new skills and gain knowledge. When we follow a recipe, for example, we learn how to cook a new dish. Similarly, when we follow instructions for a DIY project, we learn how to build something new. Following instructions can also help us to avoid mistakes. If we follow a set of instructions carefully, we can avoid making costly errors that could result in wasted time and resources. But what happens when we follow instructions too closely? Can we become too reliant on them?

The Dangers of Following Instructions Too Closely

While following instructions can be beneficial, it can also be limiting. When we follow instructions too closely, we can become robots, lacking in creativity and originality. We may miss out on opportunities to explore new ideas and ways of doing things. Furthermore, following instructions too closely can lead to a lack of critical thinking. We may not question the instructions or consider alternative methods, which can lead to stagnation and a lack of progress.

The Joy of Doing Things Our Way

On the other hand, doing things our way can be liberating. When we have the freedom to make our own decisions and choose our path, we can explore new possibilities and discover new ways of doing things. Doing things our way can also lead to personal growth. When we take the time to think critically and make our own decisions, we develop our problem-solving skills and become more self-sufficient. But how can we balance the need to follow instructions with the desire to do things our way?

Finding a Balance

The key to finding a balance between following instructions and doing things our way is to understand the purpose of the instructions. Are they meant to guide us toward a specific outcome, or are they meant to be a starting point for our creativity? When we understand the purpose of the instructions, we can use them as a foundation to build upon. We can take the basic principles and add our flair, creating something unique and original.


In conclusion, following instructions can be beneficial in many ways, but it can also be limiting. Doing things our way can lead to personal growth and creativity, but it can also lead to mistakes. The key is to find a balance between the two, using instructions as a foundation to build upon, while still allowing ourselves the freedom to explore new ideas and ways of doing things.


  1. Why is it important to follow instructions?
    Following instructions can help us learn new skills, avoid mistakes, and achieve a specific outcome.

  2. What are the dangers of following instructions too closely?
    Following instructions too closely can lead to a lack of creativity, originality, and critical thinking.

  3. How can we find a balance between following instructions and doing things our way?
    We can find a balance by understanding the purpose of the instructions and using them as a foundation to build upon, while still allowing ourselves the freedom to explore new ideas and ways of doing things.

  4. What are the benefits of doing things our way?
    Doing things our way can lead to personal growth, creativity, and self-sufficiency.

  5. Can following instructions ever be harmful?
    Yes, following instructions too closely can lead to a lack of critical thinking, which can result in harmful consequences.